Ghost Writing is a great break

Ghost Writing
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Ghost writing anyone?

I\’ve written lots of articles on writing and how to demonstrate subject matter expertise through books and articles, blogs, and newsletters. Writing about your area of expertise is a great way to bring potential customers to your books, products and services. It\’s one of my best strategies to alert my current customers to seminars, books, and consulting services. It also helps draw new readers who may be interested later.

It\’s a great strategy for me and I also encourage others to do the same. But what happens when other folks who would like to use this strategy, but do not have time to write?

That\’s right, they outsource. They hire other authors to do this for them.

Have you authors ever thought about Ghost Writing? It\’s a great way to fill in the gaps where you might find yourself fresh out of your own ideas. Ghost Writing is a great way to write what others visualize and gives you a creative break.

I\’ve recently created an account on UpWork, a service that allows authors to meet customers. This is the same type of service I use to find designers for my book covers (99 Designs and 100 Covers).

Inside you can search for writing job where you get to decide which product to bid on, how much you should be paid, how long the project will take and more. The follow following writing job types include:

  • Ghost writing books
  • Policy document creation
  • Movie Scripts
  • Web content
  • Software
  • and more

I recently won a bid on a request to write a business book. I\’m exciting about the work as I get to write the authors vision. It\’s 100 percent writing after the book is already visualized; just my specialty.

Some of you have other writing talents. At any rate, find the work you love, while helping someone else deliver a great product. There is a lot you can do with your writing. If you need assistance with book ideas or business ideas, check out book based business incubator or our book Get Rich in a Niche.

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